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St Clement's and St John's

CofE Infant School

to inspire learning for life; to give you a future and a hope





Coastal Learning Partnership is the admissions authority for its member schools.  Admissions policies are determined by the Trust Board in line with requirements of the Schools Admissions Code.  Coastal Learning Partnership works closely with the relevant Local Authorities in the administration of its determined admissions policies.  From this page, you can access everything that you require to apply for a place at any school within the Partnership, including direct links to information with the relevant Local Authority.   


Please follow the link below to access the admissions policies and further information on applying for a school place:

BCP (Bournemouth) Fair Access Protocol


Fair access is the process for placing children into school during the school year (in-year).


Fair Access Protocols for in-year admissions ensure that:

  • children, especially the most vulnerable or those with challenging behaviour, who have not been offered a school place through the normal procedures are found and offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible.
  • all schools in an area admit their fair share of children with challenging behaviour, including children excluded from other schools. 


For more details, please click this link to visit the BCP Council website

Appealing for a place at this school

If you have been refused a place at this school and are thinking of appealing, please click here.
