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St Clement's and St John's

CofE Infant School

to inspire learning for life; to give you a future and a hope


What the Children Will Learn



At St Clement's we teach phonics through the Read Write Inc programme.

Every class in the school will have a daily phonics session, either in groups or their class.  

Each phonics session should teach something new (a sound or set), practice recent sounds and use these sounds through reading and writing.

Fun with Phonics with Mr Poole


In the Spring Term, Mr Poole will be posting a phonics video each week.  This will appear on the school website, Facebook and You Tube. Click HERE for the link

Fun with Phonics with Mr Poole - Reception, Episode 1

Mr Poole runs through some early sounds and then makes some words (and there's a special guest appearance!)

Fun with Phonics with Mr Poole Year 1 Episode 4

The next video in the series this time with a special guest star! This week we look at nonsense words too!
