Home Page

St Clement's and St John's

CofE Infant School

to inspire learning for life; to give you a future and a hope


Our Vision, Values and Mission

Our Vision and Values

Our Values posters explain each value in detail and are displayed around the school to remind us how to show them in our daily lives.

School prayer to remember the values

Our amazing Spirituality Area on the Parent Portal page has lots more information about how we live out our spirituality at St Clement's and St John's.


Take a look at our fun worship times on the children's area.


Our community links...


... and our Religious Education



St Clement's & St John's Infant Prospectus

This is our school prospectus video for St Clement's and St John's Infant school which highlights our four core values.

Our aim is for every child to have Confidence, Compassion, Creativity and Curiosity.

To become successful learners and leaders with a passion to live life to the full and change the world for the better.

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