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St Clement's and St John's

CofE Infant School

to inspire learning for life; to give you a future and a hope



Welcome to Seahorse Class!

We are one of the two Reception classes.


We will add information about all the amazing learning we do at school along with photos, videos and work. 


The Team:

Class Teacher is: Miss Wilde

Class Teaching Assistant is: Mrs Awcock




We have been creative painting stones and pebbles to create a fairy garden in our reception learning area.

Reception have chicks! We can't wait for them to hatch and are excited to look after them!

Reception have been painting pebbles and shells to decorate the fairy garden in the reception learning area

Reception have been growing beans. They have kept a bean diary and have been carefully watching their beans grow big and tall!!

Reception have been looking at how we care for living things. They planted some beans in the learning garden and will keep checking to see how they grow

We had great fun creating Christmas crafts on Christmas jumper day

Reception held a Christmas craft parent partnership where parents were invited to come join in creating some Christmas crafts.

We made some reindeer food using oats, dried cranberries and biodegradable glitter

For anti-bullying week, children wore odd socks to show we are all different and unique

Reception have recently visited the Oceanarium for their under the sea topic. They had great fun seeing all the different sea creatures.

We have been working hard to recognise their numbers to 20 and find enough pegs to match.

We have also been working hard to draw self portraits.
