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St Clement's and St John's

CofE Infant School

to inspire learning for life; to give you a future and a hope


Special Educational Needs Provision

Our SENCO is Mrs Jo Wilson.

Our Assistant Head of Inclusion is Mrs Jemma Sturgeon. 

Click the link below for information on what to do, who to contact and for support with any concerns.

Please click the link to our PADLET below for information for parents. 

Parent and Carer Leaflet SEN Support 


Please click the link below to open the document

Speech and Language Provision 


Speech and Language support is offered through the school by Mrs Kiely. She works alongside the Dorset Speech and Language Therapy Service to implement individuals Speech and Language Therapy programmes. If as a parent or carer you have any concerns about your child's Speech and language, then a full assessment can be completed by your child's class teacher and our SENCO. Once the report is completed, it will be reviewed by Dorset Speech and Language Therapy Services who then if required will offer the child an assessment within school or at a local clinic. If your child is found to have any speech and language difficulties then they will be offered 6 weeks of block therapy sessions and these sessions will continue to be reviewed as required by Therapy Services.




Nurture and ELSA at St Clement's 


Our Nurture group, is an in-school, small group intervention. We aim to mimic early nurturing experiences for the children. We achieve this by immersing pupils in an accepting and warm environment which helps develop positive relationships with both teachers and peers.

Whilst in Nurture children will complete a variety of activities and play structured games that encourage good choices, taking turns, and other appropriate activities that develop social and emotional resilience and approaches.


Mrs Rendall is our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). This intervention supports children on a 1:1 basis and focuses on their specific individual social and emotional needs.

Supporting these children allows them to understand and regulate their emotions and work towards dealing with their anxieties. We cover a broad spectrum of needs including family separation, bullying, self-esteem issues and anger management as well as emotional challenges and dealing with difficult experiences. 


Working with our ELSA can have a positive impact on the overall wellbeing of of children and in turn reflects positively on their academic development and learning. 

Useful Links 

Contact SENCO
