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St Clement's and St John's

CofE Infant School

to inspire learning for life; to give you a future and a hope



Our 4 C values are all about relationship.

We give out values stickers when your child has shown one of our four values. Ask them about it!

We focus on one value each term

Autumn: Compassion 

Spring: Creativity

Summer: Curiosity 

Across the year- Confidence




In our family worship time, we celebrate children who show the school values.

We say our 4Cs school prayer every day to help us remember. When children learn the prayer and can say it by heart, they win a bookmark.

If you can say the prayer, you can have a prayer book mark!

At the start of each year, every child from Reception to Year 2 creates a part of our 4C Value display. This year we asked the staff and community too.

Some other 4C values displays we have enjoyed creating.

Four Cs. 4 ways to reflect

We have lots of fun together at our family worship at St Clement's church. We usually have a visiting speaker. We have Year 2 worship leaders and band.

We have prayer corners in each classroom. These help us to reflect and comfort us when we need help.

Each class has a prayer book. The children like to write and pray lots of different sort of prayers. We especially like teaspoon (TSP) prayers- Thank you, Sorry, Please!

Our value Compassion is really important to us. It means we reflect about our community and help when we can. This is a poster about the food bank.

The school grown ups like to help in the community too. Wrapping and delivering food and presents.

We use Philosophy for children (P4C) and creative activities to help us explore concepts such as war, caring for our earth, anti bullying, and love.

At St Clement's and St John's we have many pupils

from different cultures.

We love to celebrate the different festivals 

from the different religions. 

Eid celebrations
