Home Page

St Clement's and St John's

CofE Infant School

to inspire learning for life; to give you a future and a hope



Welcome to Eagle Class!


We are one of the two classes that make up Year 2. 


We will add information about all the amazing learning we do at school along with photos, videos and work. 


The Team:

Class Teachers are: Mrs Freeman (Mondays and Tuesdays) and Mrs Crane (Weds, Thurs and Fridays)

Class Teaching Assistant is: Miss Joyner



PE Days:

Year 2 have PE on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please wear your PE/Active uniform on these days. The children do not get changed at school.






Year 2 spent some time learning about Guy Fawkes. They had a great class debate about whethere we should still celebrate fireworks night or not. Why not have a chat with your child and see what they think!

They made some incredible firework pictures!

Year 2 had a great time at the local fire station

Year 2 have been looking at 'The Great Fire Of London'. They have been creative and made fantastic houses

For anti-bullying week the children in Owl class were discussing how we can be kind and compassionate to each other

This is the calm corner and German display in Eagle class.

Year 2 are working on improving their handwriting. They are looking at writing their own adventure stories this term.
